Dr. Alexander Gantman
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about me
Dr. Alexander Gantman graduated from UCLA with Bachelors degree in Psychology and high honors Summa Cum Laude in 2001. He received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from PGSP-Stanford University Consortium in 2008.
After completing an APA psychology internship at UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience, Dr. Gantman received a highly prestigious Ruth L. Kirchstein Institutional (T32) National Research Service Award from National Institute for Mental Health, for a two-year post-doctoral research scholar fellowship. During his fellowship, he was a Principal Investigator on the project that aimed at the adaptation and development of PEERS Program: an evidence-based, parent-assisted, social skills group intervention for adolescence, to address the unique needs of college age young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In 2010 he secured another grant from Organization for Autism Research to further his line of research. Two randomized controlled clinical trials were completed as part of this project, and amazing results of the first trial have recently been published in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. His work was presented at professional conferences such International Meeting for Autism Research and The Help Group Summit.
Before he moved full-time into private practice, he was a licensed Clinical Psychologist at the UCLA's Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and was a faculty member and an Autism Instructor at the UCLA Tarjan Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. He was also an Assistant Director of the UCLA PEERS program for adolescence and young adults. Dr. Gantman has unique clinical training in evidence-based treatments and expertise in the domain of psychosocial functioning of adolescents and adults with Aspreger's, ADHD, Anxiety and Mood Disorders.

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